Impostor Slide Jill Hathaway Books

Impostor Slide Jill Hathaway Books
Actual rating 3.5 stars.I was hoping that ‘Impostor’ would build on the premise set up in ‘Slide,’ however, it turned out to be another episodic mystery and failed to address a lot of the world building and aftermath from the first novel. Sylvia and her sister Mattie have survived a sociopathic murderer, and I felt this fact had been conveniently dismissed in the structure of the plot. Even though the nightmares showed that both her and Mattie hadn't gotten through their ordeal scot free, I feel there would be more emotional issues to deal with. It was glossed over too much.
The girl’s father and the school don't seem to have taken any action for the kids safety or mental wellbeing since the death of the two students in the first novel. Where's the talks on depression and suicide? Professional counselling? Safety talks or metal detectors? Added security guards, Or even Sylvia’s father keeping an eye on his daughter? The school was conveniently absent from the equation again.
Hasn't Sylvia learnt her lesson about keeping secrets from the first novel? People died? She nearly died, her sister was nearly murdered - I can't express my frustration at the idiocy of Sylvia... it's really making me dislike this book. So annoyed that Sylvia does not seem to have more self-preservation, she saw people killed and still chose to keep secrets in ‘Impostor,’ even when it looked like the same thing was happening all over again.
Sylvia and her love interest, Rollins, looked all set for a heavy romance having found a connection together in 'Slide,' and now it's been rolled back to how it was at the start of the series - seriously I'm beginning to wonder if Hathaway is smoking crack. In the first few chapters she repeated herself a number of times on the backstory and it felt like this book hadn't even been edited properly.
I was even alarmed when all of a sudden we get a tidbit that Sylvia's mother could have been a slider? Where the hell did that come from? Why wasn't it mentioned in 'Slide?' But this meant that we got some mythology explained. So I was happy.
Another aspect to the plot which had me raising an eyebrow was the introduction of Sylvia’s Aunt, which felt like she was only there as a character to muddy the water of suspects. A little too convenient.
I actually liked this more than the first novel. The pacing was better, the mystery was planned out and revealed in a logical fashion. And I certainly did not predict what happened. I love surprises. So while there was so much wrong with this contextually, it was still entertaining and kept me guessing. Though I don’t think I would recommend this duology to my friends. There are far more gripping paranormal mysteries out there than this one.

Tags : Impostor (Slide) (9780062077981): Jill Hathaway: Books,Jill Hathaway,Impostor (Slide),Balzer + Bray,0062077988,Mysteries & Detective Stories,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Aunts,Best friends,Best friends;Fiction.,Friendship,High schools,Psychic ability,Psychic ability;Fiction.,Schools,Secrets,Sisters,Sisters;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Crime & mystery fiction (Children's Teenage),Fiction,Fiction-Mystery & Detective,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Law & Crime,Mysteries (Young Adult),Mysteries, Espionage, & Detective Stories,Paranormal,TEEN'S FICTION MYSTERY & DETECTIVE,TEEN'S FICTION THRILLER,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult Fiction Law & Crime,Young Adult Fiction Mysteries & Detective Stories,Young Adult Fiction Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionLaw & Crime,Young Adult FictionScience Fiction - General,Law & Crime,Mysteries, Espionage, & Detective Stories,Paranormal,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Young Adult Fiction Law & Crime,Young Adult Fiction Mysteries & Detective Stories,Young Adult Fiction Science Fiction General,Young Adult FictionLaw & Crime,Young Adult FictionScience Fiction - General,Young Adult Fiction,Fiction,Mysteries (Young Adult),Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Crime & mystery fiction (Children's Teenage)
Impostor Slide Jill Hathaway Books Reviews
Jill Hathaways New book Imposter Slide was by far the best book that I have read yet. I was blown away when I found out that the imposter was closer than she thought.
GREAT SEQUEL! Can't wait to see if a third comes out. )
My daughter enjoys this series. She had to read Slide for a school assignment and fell in love with it
This is a crazy good read! This is not the type of book I usually read, but was absolutely amazing.
Really good book. Loved it. Something different and entertaining. I look forward to reading more by Jill Hathaway. Hope there are more to the series.
This book is not quite as well written as"slide" . Required background information is incorporated into the text at some unusual places, which diminish the book from standing on it's own. Character development was limited to
The main characters only.the plot was jumpy , and the multitude of twists were rather un believable.
I went into Impostor having super high hopes, and it did not disappoint. While the beginning is a bit slow, and it took me awhile to get into the book, after the first 70 pages or so, I was completely involved in the story. I had to know what was going on and who was guilty. The character development was okay, but not all of the characters evolved. However, the mystery was top notch, and Hathaway kept me guessing until the very end.
Vee, who turned out to be a semi-trustworthy narrator, didn't grow much over the course of this novel. I would have liked to have seen more evolution in the main character, but as with Slide, she was likable enough. Mattie grew a lot in this installment, and I enjoyed getting to know her better. Rollins was still a bit more mysterious than I would have liked, but I adored him all the same. One of the new characters, Anna, really got on my nerves, but I think she was meant to.
Impostor's plot wasn't as intense as Slide's. However, it was quite a bit more complicated. I couldn't figure out who was guilty to save my life. There were so many twists and turns, I could not keep up. Hathaway is a master of suspense, and I simply had to find out what was going on. The pacing was a bit off in the beginning, but it picked up and smoothed out after around 70 pages, and the ending wrapped everything up nicely with room left for a sequel if need be. I hope there is a sequel because I'd really like to learn more about Vee's gift.
Overall, I really enjoyed Impostor and would recommend it and Slide to anyone who loves a good mystery. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out guilty parties, but with Hathaway's books, I never can tell who is guilty, which makes her novels suspenseful and intriguing. If you haven't read these books yet, you're missing out.
Actual rating 3.5 stars.
I was hoping that ‘Impostor’ would build on the premise set up in ‘Slide,’ however, it turned out to be another episodic mystery and failed to address a lot of the world building and aftermath from the first novel. Sylvia and her sister Mattie have survived a sociopathic murderer, and I felt this fact had been conveniently dismissed in the structure of the plot. Even though the nightmares showed that both her and Mattie hadn't gotten through their ordeal scot free, I feel there would be more emotional issues to deal with. It was glossed over too much.
The girl’s father and the school don't seem to have taken any action for the kids safety or mental wellbeing since the death of the two students in the first novel. Where's the talks on depression and suicide? Professional counselling? Safety talks or metal detectors? Added security guards, Or even Sylvia’s father keeping an eye on his daughter? The school was conveniently absent from the equation again.
Hasn't Sylvia learnt her lesson about keeping secrets from the first novel? People died? She nearly died, her sister was nearly murdered - I can't express my frustration at the idiocy of Sylvia... it's really making me dislike this book. So annoyed that Sylvia does not seem to have more self-preservation, she saw people killed and still chose to keep secrets in ‘Impostor,’ even when it looked like the same thing was happening all over again.
Sylvia and her love interest, Rollins, looked all set for a heavy romance having found a connection together in 'Slide,' and now it's been rolled back to how it was at the start of the series - seriously I'm beginning to wonder if Hathaway is smoking crack. In the first few chapters she repeated herself a number of times on the backstory and it felt like this book hadn't even been edited properly.
I was even alarmed when all of a sudden we get a tidbit that Sylvia's mother could have been a slider? Where the hell did that come from? Why wasn't it mentioned in 'Slide?' But this meant that we got some mythology explained. So I was happy.
Another aspect to the plot which had me raising an eyebrow was the introduction of Sylvia’s Aunt, which felt like she was only there as a character to muddy the water of suspects. A little too convenient.
I actually liked this more than the first novel. The pacing was better, the mystery was planned out and revealed in a logical fashion. And I certainly did not predict what happened. I love surprises. So while there was so much wrong with this contextually, it was still entertaining and kept me guessing. Though I don’t think I would recommend this duology to my friends. There are far more gripping paranormal mysteries out there than this one.

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