StruggleStruggle #1 edition by PA Jones Literature Fiction eBooks

StruggleStruggle #1 edition by PA Jones Literature Fiction eBooks
I would like to give the author a big thankyou for gifting me with her book in exchange for an honest review.I'm sure like others who have read this book or are about to, were or are excited to dig into the story because of the blurb. I was hooked when I read what the story was about.
And this book is like one of those hit or miss kinda books.
For me I thought the idea of the story was brilliant. But it didn't work out because the characters were beyond flat and not very likeable.
They were flat for me because I couldn't connect with any of the characters. Their emotions were all over the place and emotional reactions were either unnecessary in the moment or overly exaggerated. Everything they did and said seemed to be childish or plain nonsense.
Personally as a reader I care more about the characters than the storyline when it comes to books a majority of the time, and this read was disappointing because of the characters.
Nathan... was just all over the place as a character. I felt like his thoughts went against his actions. He would do one thing and then internally whine and feel guilty about it only to act the complete opposite of what he was thinking to himself. He also drank so much alcohol in the book that I was beginning to wonder if he was an alcoholic.
Eva... *le sigh*. She was... oh gosh who am I kidding. Nathan was more bearable to read than her. Frustration, annoyance and lots of eye-rolling is all Eva gave me. Don't even get me started on how she overreacted over the smallest and stupidest things...
- I also think the author could have used Eva and Nathan's background stories better. They just came off rushed and not very believeable. It's like the author put the backstories for the character ps just for the sake of it been there. -
Chloe kill yourself. Besides playing the role of the best friend, I don't even know why you were there. You did absolutely nothing for me.
Oh and that whole thing where he was like pining after Samantha, what the heck is that all about?!? You let your bitchy ex just crush at your place with no protest or any questions asked after she ripped your heart out and practically stabbed it... ARRRGGGGHHHH!!! Why did you let her through the front door in the first place?!? The whole chapter with Samantha made absolutely no sense and was highly unnecessary. I get what as going on cause of the history Samantha and Nathan share but still.
Also the insta-love didn't work for me. It came off as fake and too rushed. Lots of eye-rolling was involved. Seemed very unrealistic and I hated every second of their "relationship". The author also seemed to "over-explain" things as if the readers wouldn't get it. It's a wonder how I even finished reading this book with my eyes rolling constantly!!
Besides all that I thought the writing style of the author is not too bad, the storyline would have worked for me if the characters had a bit more backbone and weren't whingey or childlike to the point were it was annoying to read about them.
There are some grammar mistakes that really need to be fixed and the storyline I found was beyond predictable.
There was also a few times were it seemed like a scene was jumping from one action to another. An example would be in the beginning when Nathan is getting his ass kicked in the bar/club by Peter. It goes from them arguing in a secluded and closed off area, to Nathan been punched so hard he bumped into a guy drinking wine... like... whhhaaaa...?
Then near the end where he's dropping Amelia off at her apartment, even though the scene never describes him getting out of his car, until later, what happens in the moment seems like he is standing out of his car but next second his coming out of the car and like... the point is things are just jumping everywhere it's frustrating and time consuming cause the reader had to go back and re-read a part to make sure it makes sense or to check that they haven't missed anything else.
The dual POV wasn't too bad either. I like that in books. :) It also gave me a chance to take a break from reading one annoying character to the other for too long, but it was done nicely.
Overall not a terrible, terrible read but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. Maybe if the author worked on making her characters more likeable and strong then the story can be read without frustrating the reader.

Tags : Struggle(Struggle #1) - Kindle edition by P.A. Jones. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Struggle(Struggle #1).,ebook,P.A. Jones,Struggle(Struggle #1),FICTION Romance Contemporary,FICTION Coming of Age
StruggleStruggle #1 edition by PA Jones Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
When I read the synopsis I was like "Yes, that's my kind of book!" Damaged individuals trying to move on from their past and learn to trust and love again. Plus a businessman by day, kick boxer by night? Umm, yes please!
Well, unfortunately the book did not live up to the hype. I was very quickly disappointed. A 150 page book normally takes me a day to read - IF I am loving it. This one took me three days because each page felt like pulling teeth, and I couldn't read it for long periods of time. Seriously, when I am truly enjoying a book, I will MAKE time for reading. In this case, I had the time but still didn't want to read it.
My biggest issue was the lack of depth, details, and story development. The story felt rushed and the lack of details made the storyline unconvincing. For these two to be "oh so damaged", it really didn't take long for them to get over their issues and fall in love with each other! One day they are friends and the next day they are calling each other baby and saying "I love you" a thousand times. Very unrealistic.
One big premise of this book was Nathan being a businessman by day and kick boxer by night. I think he had a total of two kick boxing fights in the book, and they are covered within the first 20 pages. After that there's not one mention about kick boxing until the very last few pages. So yeah, that was a buzzkill.
The other major annoyance was the terrible grammar, spelling, and proofreading. There was so many misspellings and comma overload - it really made me think that no one proofread this book before it was published. Some of the issues could have easily been caught from using spell check! There were a few instances during conversations where the person speaking was not properly identified, and I had to re-read the section a few times before I figured out who was the person speaking. It's the writer's job to identify this - not the reader. If I'm truly loving a book, I can look past these issues. In this case, it only added to my angst.
The one positive I found was the ending. Even though I didn't enjoy the book, the ending truly left me wondering "what the heck"? It's a cliffhanger, which is the perfect way to set up for the next installment.
I would like to give the author a big thankyou for gifting me with her book in exchange for an honest review.
I'm sure like others who have read this book or are about to, were or are excited to dig into the story because of the blurb. I was hooked when I read what the story was about.
And this book is like one of those hit or miss kinda books.
For me I thought the idea of the story was brilliant. But it didn't work out because the characters were beyond flat and not very likeable.
They were flat for me because I couldn't connect with any of the characters. Their emotions were all over the place and emotional reactions were either unnecessary in the moment or overly exaggerated. Everything they did and said seemed to be childish or plain nonsense.
Personally as a reader I care more about the characters than the storyline when it comes to books a majority of the time, and this read was disappointing because of the characters.
Nathan... was just all over the place as a character. I felt like his thoughts went against his actions. He would do one thing and then internally whine and feel guilty about it only to act the complete opposite of what he was thinking to himself. He also drank so much alcohol in the book that I was beginning to wonder if he was an alcoholic.
Eva... *le sigh*. She was... oh gosh who am I kidding. Nathan was more bearable to read than her. Frustration, annoyance and lots of eye-rolling is all Eva gave me. Don't even get me started on how she overreacted over the smallest and stupidest things...
- I also think the author could have used Eva and Nathan's background stories better. They just came off rushed and not very believeable. It's like the author put the backstories for the character ps just for the sake of it been there. -
Chloe kill yourself. Besides playing the role of the best friend, I don't even know why you were there. You did absolutely nothing for me.
Oh and that whole thing where he was like pining after Samantha, what the heck is that all about?!? You let your bitchy ex just crush at your place with no protest or any questions asked after she ripped your heart out and practically stabbed it... ARRRGGGGHHHH!!! Why did you let her through the front door in the first place?!? The whole chapter with Samantha made absolutely no sense and was highly unnecessary. I get what as going on cause of the history Samantha and Nathan share but still.
Also the insta-love didn't work for me. It came off as fake and too rushed. Lots of eye-rolling was involved. Seemed very unrealistic and I hated every second of their "relationship". The author also seemed to "over-explain" things as if the readers wouldn't get it. It's a wonder how I even finished reading this book with my eyes rolling constantly!!
Besides all that I thought the writing style of the author is not too bad, the storyline would have worked for me if the characters had a bit more backbone and weren't whingey or childlike to the point were it was annoying to read about them.
There are some grammar mistakes that really need to be fixed and the storyline I found was beyond predictable.
There was also a few times were it seemed like a scene was jumping from one action to another. An example would be in the beginning when Nathan is getting his ass kicked in the bar/club by Peter. It goes from them arguing in a secluded and closed off area, to Nathan been punched so hard he bumped into a guy drinking wine... like... whhhaaaa...?
Then near the end where he's dropping Amelia off at her apartment, even though the scene never describes him getting out of his car, until later, what happens in the moment seems like he is standing out of his car but next second his coming out of the car and like... the point is things are just jumping everywhere it's frustrating and time consuming cause the reader had to go back and re-read a part to make sure it makes sense or to check that they haven't missed anything else.
The dual POV wasn't too bad either. I like that in books. ) It also gave me a chance to take a break from reading one annoying character to the other for too long, but it was done nicely.
Overall not a terrible, terrible read but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else. Maybe if the author worked on making her characters more likeable and strong then the story can be read without frustrating the reader.

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